On Mondays, we sometimes need a little motivation to get us ready for the week ahead. #MotivationalMonday became a popular hashtag/phrase as a result. Mondays are not only meant to movtivate but also to inspire which brings me to the subject of an unassuming little red mailbox. Near the Little Island Fishing Pier, you'll find this mailbox. Those not familiar with it may think it's an odd place for a lone mailbox. There are only 5 of these in existence. Written on the side is "Leave a Note of Hope." The mailbox's purpose is for anyone to write inspirational thoughts or messages and brighten the day of someone who may have experienced a loss or is going through a difficult time.The very first red mailbox was started in Kitty Hawk, NC by Sue Goodrich to help her cope with her mother's unexpected passing. Goodrich says "It's a place to share your thoughts, dreams, feelings or secrets or to just visit what others have left along their journey. Everybody needs a little hope, and helping others also helps ourselves."